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Welcome to Nahkurinverstas

Accommodation, restaurant and museum in Tammela

Nahkurinverstas is a small guesthouse located in Tammela, in Southern Finland, within 1-1,5 hour drive from Helsinki.
Both Liesjärvi and Torronsuo national parks are located nearby. 


Here you can stay over, enjoy our breakfast and visit traditional Finnish sauna.
You can also take a tour in a leather workshop museum in an authentic 19th century building.
Our restaurant is open during the summer season.
Nahkurinverstas aukioloajat 510 x 380

Opening hours

Nahkurinverstas’ restaurant and museum are regularly open during the summer season (June-August). Opening hours of summer 2023 will be published later in the spring.  

Nahkurinverstas ryhmille 510 x 380

Services for groups

For groups you can order e.g. guided tour in the museum, coffee & tea or a lunch buffet.  Read here more about our services for groups.

Portaan Nahkurinverstaan taidekesä

PN Taidekesä 28.-30.7.2023

Cultural event Portaan Nahkurinverstaan taidekesä  will take place on July 28-30, 2023. Click here to see the program and further information.

Nahkurinverstas Travel Tammela verkkokauppa 510 x 380

Travel Tammela online booking

You can book your accommodation and few other services online in our store. Click here to book online.