Accommodation, restaurant and museum in Tammela
Nahkurinverstas is a small guesthouse located in Tammela, in Southern Finland, within 1-1,5 hour drive from Helsinki.
Both Liesjärvi and Torronsuo national parks are located nearby.
Here you can stay over, enjoy our breakfast and visit traditional Finnish sauna.
You can also take a tour in a leather workshop museum in an authentic 19th century building.
Our restaurant is open during the summer season.
Opening hours
Nahkurinverstas’ restaurant and museum are regularly open during the summer season (June-August). Opening hours of summer 2023 will be published later in the spring.
Accommodation is available throughout the year. Click here to read more about Nahkurinverstas’ accommodation and book online.
Services for groups
For groups you can order e.g. guided tour in the museum, coffee & tea or a lunch buffet. Read here more about our services for groups.
PN Taidekesä 28.-30.7.2023
Cultural event Portaan Nahkurinverstaan taidekesä will take place on July 28-30, 2023. Click here to see the program and further information.
Travel Tammela online booking
You can book your accommodation and few other services online in our store. Click here to book online.